User talk:GreenReaper

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Revision as of 20:58, 11 August 2010 by Silver seren (Talk | contribs)

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Hi there! Welcome to GreenReaper's talk page. You can send a message to me by editing this page, and I will leave a reply for you later on your own page.

To start a new conversation, click here, otherwise edit the appropriate section below. Old conversations are archived at the right - feel free to browse!

You can also email me (if logged in with an email address set in preferences) or chat on #wikifur if you prefer.

Allan is changing (with proof)

Jump to post #521 and read from there:

Also, Dragoneer made a journal about his progress:



With college starting up within the next few weeks, i've been neglecting my duties to the DYK section. I've already missed an update and I apologize for that. Unfortunately, until i'm able to figure out how my computer situation will work out at college and what my schedule will be in general, i'm going to be kind of busy. So I might not be around for a month or two and won't be able to keep up with my duties. :( SilverserenC 00:58, 12 August 2010 (UTC)