User talk:ToyoWolf

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Welcome to WikiFur! Thank you for registering an account. We here at WikiFur look forward to working with you. Let us know if you need any help not already provided. If you would like help creating an article or just editing it, don't hesitate to consult the Furry Book of Style or just contact a administrator. Have a nice day! :-) --Rat 08:46, 9 September 2007 (UTC)

Dear Blackwing Dragon,[edit]

Considering the fact that you could come here and screw my shit up because I re-added the Controversy section to your article (and will keep re-adding it as nesseccary), I leave you this page to do as you wish with. Wanna pick a fight with me? Go right ahead. I have time to kill and fuses to light.

Oh, one more thing. Thank you for being a source of entertainment for me for the past good while. It's fun[ny] to watch you keep pushing the limits of everyone's patience. I've never had a chance to formally speak with you, however it would probably be a hilarious conversation. Hope your trip to America (if you haven't gone on it already) is a safe one. Good day. --ToyoWolf 12:12, 4 April 2008 (UTC)

"WIKI GO!"[edit]

Foolish mortal! You dare to unlock the dark force of templates? Know that their power corrupts all, leading only to sorrow and destruction for those who wield them . . . --GreenReaper(talk) 05:51, 12 October 2009 (UTC)