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Logo-bluepaw-withdots-50px.png This user is a
WikiFur colleague.
Rc-patrol.png This user patrols the
recent changes.
Hi! This user is a welcomer to all the new folks on WikiFur!
LiveJournallogo.png This user has an account at LiveJournal. Their username is   ken_redtail.

Laff.jpg This user is a
Lake Area Furry Friend.

FurAffinityFenderBadge.jpg This user has an account at Fur Affinity. Their username is kenredtail.

Anthrocon.gif This user has attended
RCFM-Small-Logo.jpg This user has attended
Rocket City Furmeet.
MFFglobe-50px.png This user has attended
Midwest FurFest.
SecondLifeHand.png This user has a Second Life account. Their name is Redtail Oddfellow.
Foxie! This user really likes foxes.
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