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Subfurvient logo.png

Subfurvient is a UK-based website with guides to furry conventions.

With staff predominantly based in the UK, Subfurvient hopes to achieve the aim of teaching still unknowing people the necessary knowledge about conventions.


Around 2008, Subfurvient took on several furs to help out with the maintainance and also Jayson Husky opened FurTube which is intended to be "The Furry Youtube", FurTube was originally maintained by Jayson Husky but after a busy few weeks and personal commitments blaze handed over the reigns of power to Mouschi.

FurTube was orginally intended to be a beta run and run until October 2008. After this time any choice to continue with FurTube is not connected with blazefox.

The current staff of Subfurvient and FurTube are:

Jayson Husky (aka FeralFrenzy) = Founder and lead admin of subfurvient, Founder of FurTube.

ChampCheetah = Co-founder of Subfurvient and web maintainence.

Nevermint = Co- administrator for Subfurvient, possible admin for FurTube.

NewfDraggie = Co-admin for subfurvient and admin for FurTube.

GrimFang = Administrator for FurTube.

Mouschi = Lead-administrator for FurTube.

Raynevadunem = Administrator for FurTube.

Staff who have pages here are linked to, so you can read more about them.

Past & present situation[edit]

Designed by Jayson Husky and hosted on a free website hosting service, Subfurvient has progressed forwards slowly but surely over the last couple of months.

Having been just a thought for over a year, Jayson Husky published the idea on the web and slowly started to build an advertising site and has now managed to become listed on search engines like Google.

Run by a few furs, namely Jayson Husky (a computer graphics artist and ex game and web designer, who uses the name blazefox to publish work amongst other things) and ChampCheetah (Web Designer and amateur photographer), the site has gently built its way up.

More detail and suggestions are always welcome, and they can be reached at their E-mail address:

Closure of site[edit]

During July 2009, Jayson Husky took the action to close the site due to personal commitments, the site still exists at the address at the top of this entry, with a place holder notice detailing the closure.

Much later than the original final closure date, Jay officially closed the site down on December 3rd 2009, the site went offline at 4:10pm GMT on this day.