Ryder Asylum

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Ryder Asylum, formerly known as FurNation Asylum, is a sim in the Ryder Estate cluster of Second Life. It was created by Equino Faulkland in FurNation Worlds, who was inspired in its design by the now defunct Danvers State Hospital in Massachusetts, but was moved to the Ryder cluster in February 2007 after he was sold the entire cluster.

Relationship with Danvers State Hospital[edit]

This sim was based off of Danvers State Hospitalin Massachusetts, which was at one time the world's largest psychiatric asylum, covering over 750,000 sq ft. Unfortunately, in 2006, the real property was sold to a contractor and since then most of the buildings have been demolished. At the time of this sim's opening in January 2007, in real life there remained standing only the three main buildings, all severely gutted. In place of the historic buildings that were demolished, apartment buildings have been erected.

Danvers is historically important for pioneering many medical techniques (most notably the pre-frontal lobotomy). It is said to have been the basis for H.P Lovecraft's infamous Arkham Sanitarium (the later basis for Arkham Asylum of Batman fame), was featured in the movie Session 9, and is also rumored to be the most haunted place in North America.

External Links[edit]

Danvers on the Web[edit]

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