Ri'en Karrot

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RienKarrot (Ri'en Karrot) is an artist from California who has been drawing anthropomorphic art since being introduced to it in 2004. His furry character is either a blue water dragon or a white wolf.


Original character by RienKarrot

Ri'en Karrot prefers to draw in either a realistic style,[1] Japanese anime style,[2] or some combination of the two.[3] His media of choice are pencil and ink, but if bugged enough, he can turn out a colored piece done in colored pencil, marker, or digital.

Written works[edit]

Ri'en Karrot is currently working on Indelar,[4] a novel-length story about a werewolf and an angel, emphasizing a homoromantic theme. His ultimate goal is to not only create an enjoyable read but to subtly spread the acceptance of M/M couples.

External Links[edit]


  1. http://rienkarrot.deviantart.com/art/Gift-Duko-107723123
  2. http://rienkarrot.deviantart.com/art/Contest-Rittaniko-74089789
  3. http://rienkarrot.deviantart.com/art/Gift-Turmoil-295075833
  4. http://rienkarrot.deviantart.com/gallery/284986
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