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Horsefur32, aka Cody Keller Bloodfang is a gothic furry raver living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Born on 7/4/1993, he is best known on YouTube for his and his brother's (Dreadlizard13) recruitment videos for his 012th Furry Army Brigade. He also boasts being "the first Sergal-Horse hybrid in existence".

Fursona attributes and appearance[edit]

Cody's fursona is a horse and sergal hybrid with red eyes, anarchy tattoo on his right upper arm, sergal tribal tattoo around his eyes and a "^vv^" tattoo on his left hand. Cody also kept some horse attributes like his jaw bones, tail, legs and feet. The rest is a big mix of sergal and horse. Due to the fact that sergals are carnivores and horses are herbivores, cody is an omnivore and has sergal canines mixed with horse molars. Cody is very fast on foot and doesn't tire easily, and his combat effectiveness is also very high. Cody can stand long periods of cold weather and harsh environments. His clothes are mostly black and baggy, but if he's on a very happy day he'll wear his custom-made t-shirts and his baggy jeans. He doesn't really wear shoes because his hooves keep destroying them. He has a bunch of necklaces ranging from religious to punk and mostly wears his gothic cross necklace. He usually wears a black hoodie when riding his bike and doesn't go anywhere without his trusty MP3 player and headphones.

Cody is mated with another sergal whom he loves very much.

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