Fox Force

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Fox Force is the name of a group of vixens originally created by Dynotaku, who subsequently became the main characters in a series of stories by Nathan Cowan.

In Dynotaku's original artwork, they are portrayed as a superhero team who had been captured by an unnamed adversary and were being subjected to various "damsels in distress" bondage scenarios (WARNING: adult images):


Dynotaku originally conceived the characters as superhero types, but in Nathan's stories, they are genetically engineered chimera who work as a team of special operatives for an organization called ICON.

The four original members are:

  • Firefox (sometimes called Foxfire) is the leader of the group.
  • Technofox is the computer expert.
  • Silverfox is the weapons expert.
  • Shadowfox is the sexual operative.

Dynotaku later created a fifth member, Sniperfox, who does not appear in Nathan's stories:


Each story in the Fox Force story series is named after the lead/viewpoint character of that story. As of November 2013 there have been four novel-length stories completed, one from the viewpoint of each character:

  • Firefox - Based on the three original images (as a starting point). Fox Force have been captured enslaved by an upper class pleasure resort named Blue Diamond, where they and other slaves are trained and expected to entertain clients. Contains heavy bondage and non-consensual BDSM content.
  • Technofox - Fox Force have been tasked to identify and neutralize a serial killer known only by the mysterious calling card of "7.62", but they've made some very distressing discoveries about the man who is widely regarded as the creator of chimera and considered a hero by many. This story is more investigative/detective oriented.
  • Silverfox - Fox Force have been hired to assist in breaking up a smuggling ring, an investigation that will lead to some deeper connections, and a very disturbing discovery about the way they themselves were designed to operate. This story is more action-oriented.
  • Shadowfox - We see the events of the final chapters of Silverfox, as seen by Shadowfox and other members of Fox Force. Once they regroup, the foursome takes a well-deserved vacation to Florida, but their respite is cut short by an abduction.

In addition, there have been two short stories in the series:

  • Tech & Fire, which takes place near the end of Technofox, centers around an erotic interlude between Firefox and Technofox.
  • Infinite Loop (published in Will of the Alpha) offers greater insight into some of the events of Firefox and Technofox from the viewpoint of one of the human antagonists (none of the Fox Force members appear in this story).

The stories (except for Infinite Loop) may be found at: