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See the article about Irime Zane. WikiFur User
Twitter.jpg This user is @IrimeZane on Twitter.

FurAffinityFenderBadge.jpg This user has an account at Fur Affinity. Their username is irime.

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Weasyl logo 200.png This user has an account at Weasyl. Their username is irime.

SecondLifeHand.png This user has a Second Life account. Their name is Irime Zane.
Anthrocon.gif This user has attended
FF This user has attended
Furry Weekend Atlanta.png This user has attended
Furry Weekend Atlanta.
Template:User Fur the 'More

Irime Zane is a Cheshire Caracal living in Baltimore, MD with her husband Kit Drago.

If you haven't met me at various East Coast events out and about, then you're missing out! I tend to be an outgoing person, and attend an assortment of events in my area, when I am not working on a random project of unknown inspiration, be it sewing, fursuit making, drawing, knitting, or otherwise. I've lived in a wild variety of places, and I make no guarantees on the continued behavior as such nor a cessation of such. As a cat, I tend to make wherever I am as comfy as my home, and love to adventure and explore as long as I get to curl up in my own den from time to time. As that would indicate, my outgoing nature occasionally needs a day or two to 'recharge' as I curl up in one of my favorite spots and nap. Though I may be a cat and behave as a cat in many ways, I am Cheshire, and therefore nothing may be taken at face value. One consistency is my admiration for things that sparkle, shimmer, glow, self-illuminate, or otherwise exist in a manner that could earn them the appellation of "shiny".


Notable Volunteering/Staffing[edit]

  • Irime Zane is on the staff of Fur the 'More.
  • Irime Zane moderates for Maryland Furs.
  • Irime Zane staffs for various anime/fandom conventions outside of the furry fandom.


Events attended[edit]

  • Anime Boston: 2008, 2009
  • Anime Mid-Atlantic: 2015
  • Anime USA: 2009, 2011 - Present
  • Balticon: 2016
  • Intervention Con: 2015, 2016
  • Katsucon: 2010 - Present
  • Otakon: 2008 - 2015
  • Regeneration Who: 2015 - Present
  • Ring of Fire Con: 2014
