Simply Panda Jenn

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Simply Panda Jenn
Author(s) Ross Snyder, Jennifer Carnivele
Launch date 2004
End Date Ongoing
Genre Slice of life, humor
Censor PG button.png

Simply Panda Jenn is a biweekly webcomic written by Ross Snyder and Illustrated by Jennifer Carnivele.


The comic was originally hosted on from 2004-2013 before going on hiatus due to personal matters. In 2019 on a whim, Logan Bamaisin reached out to Jennifer about what had happened to the comic and if there was anything he could do to help. This lead to the comic coming back online being hosted on Comic Fury[1]. The site was originally coded with Comicpress on Wordpress and needed to be recoded to remove any/all proprietary code left over by The Wayback Machine, Comicpress, or Wordpress.


Welcome to Winchester, California, a small town and home to the lovely Mrs. Panda Jenn and her cast. Simply Panda Jenn is a situation themed comedy which centers around the everyday lives of these characters and their many misadventures.


  • Panda Jenn A panda and the main protagonist of the comic. Jenn has a strong sense of responsibility, usually to the point of constant worry. She is sometimes perceived as being a little neurotic. In many instances, she takes it upon herself to be the voice of reason. In the rare moments she gets any down time, she enjoys relaxing hobbies like drawing and gardening. She hopes one day to publish her own comic, if she can ever come up with a decent idea for one.
  • Cody A polar bear, Cody has been Jenn’s best friend since childhood. He is the second oldest of 4 siblings. Though he’s in his twenties he still behaves like a teenager. He often acts on impulse without realizing the consequences of his actions. His favorite pastime is spending hours on end playing his video games.
  • Bridgette A Rabbit, Bridget is a nineteen year old college student. She has an incredibly outgoing and bubbly personality which some people might find a little frightening. She views the world with such childlike innocence which allows her to remain optimistic even in the most hopeless of situations. Because of such a trait, one would often question her grip on reality. She’s an avid Star Wars fan with an extensive collection of memorabilia and loves all things science fiction, comic book and anime related.
  • Ezekiel O. Possum A possum, Ezekiel (most often referred to as Zeek) is a kindly old possum who lives in rural Winchester. His home doubles as his place of business where he grows and sells plants and produce.
  • Andy A monkey. We all have those irritating house guests… that one person who comes over uninvited to mooch off your food, money and then proceeds to crash on your couch. Andy is much worse. He considers himself a professional stunt man, but he’s far from it. His stunts usually fail seconds after they are initiated causing injury and several hundred dollars in property damage.

