March of the Furries

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March of the Furries is an article from the Denver Westword newspaper, published on June 7th, 2007.[1]

The article begins by describing the scene as a group of fursuiters from Rocky Mountain Fur Con, consisting of "wolves and other canines, a few rabbits, some cats, something that might be a skunk", parade down a local mall to the bewilderment of passersby.

The article goes on to interview Uncle Kage, who dismisses the idea that furry fandom is all about sex, and comments on the misconceptions propagated by Vanity Fair and CSI. He estimates that "only 10 percent of the people in the furry community consider the sexual aspects of their furriness to be highly significant", and points out that convention organizers make sure that no inappropriate behaviour is seen in the hotel's public areas.

The wide scope of individual furries is commented upon. Darkwolf, a fursuiter with a substantial collection of furry erotica, is contrasted with PupE Okami, a non-fursuiter for whom furry is all about the community.


  1. March of the Furries from the Denver Westword. Retrieved June 20th, 2007