Lorenzo Batallones

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Lorenzo Batallones is a person whose second fursona, Jason Redford Drifter-Trenner, is a hybrid between fox, wolf, and kitsune, and was conceived of in June 2007.


Jason stands at 6'1" (1.9 m) and weighs in at 154 lbs (69.9 kg), giving him a rather slim build. His fur is a crimson red, excepting the fur on the insides of his ears and the tips of his tails (which are creamy white) and his belly and chestfur (which is gray). He has light blue dragon wings on his back, which extend to a wingspan of about 4 feet (1.2 m). One of his two tails resembles that of a wolf, the other, of a fox.

In general, he likes wearing polo shirts and gray jeans. He also tends to wear a scouter-type headset and carries a notebook, called his grimoire, on his beltloop. Sometimes, you may even see a lance on his back.

Canonical Background[edit]

Jason is a traveler of multiple dimensions; there are three that he usually inhabits. These are:

Because of this, he may sometimes get confused by discrepancies between characters in different universes.


Jason is a technomancer; a mage who manipulates the world through magic. The grimoire he carries around is designed to capture spells cast by others for his own use.