Dragon (book series)

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Dragon was a book series by Dav Pilkey, which was published from 1991 to 1993. It followed the exploits of a blue wingless dragon named Dragon. There was also a TV series based on Dragon, which used claymation.


A Friend for Dragon[edit]

This was the first book in the series. Dragon feels lonely, but everyone is too grouchy, too busy, or too tired to be his friend. A snake in the grass tricks him into believing that an apple can be his friend.

Dragon Gets By[edit]

This was the second book in the series. Dragon wakes up feeling groggy, and ends up doing everything wrong all day. It was based on Amelia Bedelia and The Stupids. Unlike the other books, it does not have a real story. Instead, it is a bunch of jokes.

Dragon's Merry Christmas[edit]

This was the third book in the series. It is winter, and Dragon is getting ready for Christmas.

Dragon's Fat Cat[edit]

This was the fourth book in the series. Dragon rescues a stray cat from the cold and takes care of it as a pet.

Dragon's Halloween[edit]

This was the fifth and final book in the series. It is Halloween, and Dragon is trying hard to get into the spirit, but he ends up scaring himself.


Dragon was a smiling character that Dav once drew on a birthday card for one of his friends. He forgot about it quickly. One day, many months later, Dav saw the card on a bookshelf in his friends house. He saw something in the character's eyes and assumed that there is something about the dragon, so a few weeks later, Dav took it home to his studio and wrote some stories about the character. Dav created Dragon's personality by simply looking at his eyes.
