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=== Why did I threaten to “sue” furaffinity? ===
=== Why did I threaten to “sue” furaffinity? ===
One of the biggest mistakes I made was joining furaffinity in the first place. Had I known how intolerant everyone was of Christians, I would have saved myself a world of hurt and humiliation. But other than that, none of what happened was my fault.
One of the biggest mistakes I made was joining furaffinity in the first place. Had I known how intolerant everyone was of Christians, I would have saved myself a world of hurt and humiliation. But other than that, none of what happened was my fault.
  “A user may not intentionally harass, slander, or disrupt another user of the site, or, through inaction, allow another user to come to be harassed.”  
  “A user may not intentionally harass, slander, or disrupt another user of the site,  
or, through inaction, allow another user to come to be harassed.”  
So we know from this rule, Insane Kangaroo was intentionally violating the FA rules by harassing me, and the administrators Xearun and TSAwolf were also violating the rules by allowing me to be harassed (note that the [http://help.furaffinity.net/article/AA-01065/0/Code-of-Conduct-COC.html rules] have changed since then). Before I was banned I received about 80 messages a day on FA, on average 78-79 of them were death threats, people blaspheming and attacking Christianity, calling me a NAZI, and even threatening my family. The most shocking part is that some of this hate came from the admins! To my knowledge NOT ONE USER who threatened me was punished. Not surprisingly, Insane Kangaroo was friends with Dragoneer for a while, which means the deck was stacked against me. Luckily, Dragoneer knows better now. My attempt to “sue” FA was simply an empty threat I made out of desperation. In the end it worked, the offending submissions were removed. I could have prevented all of this by staying away from FA, and Dragoneer could have prevented this by simply doing the job he was morally obligated to do.
So we know from this rule, Insane Kangaroo was intentionally violating the FA rules by harassing me, and the administrators Xearun and TSAwolf were also violating the rules by allowing me to be harassed (note that the [http://help.furaffinity.net/article/AA-01065/0/Code-of-Conduct-COC.html rules] have changed since then). Before I was banned I received about 80 messages a day on FA, on average 78-79 of them were death threats, people blaspheming and attacking Christianity, calling me a NAZI, and even threatening my family. The most shocking part is that some of this hate came from the admins! To my knowledge NOT ONE USER who threatened me was punished. Not surprisingly, Insane Kangaroo was friends with Dragoneer for a while, which means the deck was stacked against me. Luckily, Dragoneer knows better now. My attempt to “sue” FA was simply an empty threat I made out of desperation. In the end it worked, the offending submissions were removed. I could have prevented all of this by staying away from FA, and Dragoneer could have prevented this by simply doing the job he was morally obligated to do.
=== Why does everyone call me a “catfucker”? ===
=== Why does everyone call me a “catfucker”? ===
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== Conclusion ==
== Conclusion ==
For a long time, I tried to ignore all that happened to me and not dwell on the past. It hasn’t worked. I have this painful desire to get this off my chest because I noticed most people only seem to have one side of the story. I hear people murmuring about me when they think I’m out of earshot, I want to speak for myself instead of having a nameless anonymous collective source seizing my identity and corrupting people's perception of who I am before they ever get a chance to meet me. What made the fandom fun in the first place has been taken from me. It hurts myself and it hurts others by forcing them to judge me without ever meeting me. I leave you with this quote about me from an anonymous furry I never met. This is what an unbiased view looks like, when I think of the Furry Fandom, I think of this:
For a long time, I tried to ignore all that happened to me and not dwell on the past. It hasn’t worked. I have this painful desire to get this off my chest because I noticed most people only seem to have one side of the story. I hear people murmuring about me when they think I’m out of earshot, I want to speak for myself instead of having a nameless anonymous collective source seizing my identity and corrupting people's perception of who I am before they ever get a chance to meet me. What made the fandom fun in the first place has been taken from me. It hurts myself and it hurts others by forcing them to judge me without ever meeting me. I leave you with this quote about me from an anonymous furry I never met. This is what an unbiased view looks like, when I think of the Furry Fandom, I think of this:
  “All these people keep saying what a terrible person Crusader Cat is. Yet I have yet to hear a single person come forward and say there were  mistreated by him. Heck, I’ve been at parties where he’s been present. He kept to himself and didn’t bother anyone. Socially awkward? Perhaps. Deserving of scorn? Hardly.”
  “All these people keep saying what a terrible person Crusader Cat is.  
Yet I have yet to hear a single person come forward and say there were  mistreated by him.  
Heck, I’ve been at parties where he’s been present. He kept to himself and didn’t bother anyone.  
Socially awkward? Perhaps. Deserving of scorn? Hardly.”

Revision as of 16:47, 10 August 2014

I will attempt to clear up any rumors, slander, and libel that those of the “tolerant” furry community see fit to infect the internet with. First I will start a list of rumors that I am aware of, give an explanation from my perspective as to why this stuff has happened to me, and give clarification on why I feel this needs to be said.


The "homophobia" rumor

LIE: I hate gays, I attempted a gay genocide at Anthrocon, I support “kill the gays” laws.

TRUTH: I never said anything about hating gays, and I sure as hell never threatened or attempted to harm another gay (or human being) in my life. When I look through my contact lists, I find that I don’t actually have any heterosexual friends. Specifically the claim that I attempted a “gay genocide” at Anthrocon was created by Insane Kangaroo in an ironic attempt to harm me with a flash mob he was planning.

The Furaffinity Rumor

LIE: I threatened to sue Fur Affinity for being anti-Christian

TRUTH: Insane Kangaroo uploaded a submission of my fursona receiving anal sex with “raptor jesus” after reporting him twice, two administrators (Xearun and TSAwolf) refused to remove them. They didn’t simply ignore me, they weren’t being lazy, they sent me a private message REFUSEING to enforce their own rules. Since I was well versed in the FA rules regarding harassment, I did the right thing by posting in the FA forums about this. Within one hour, the forum post was deleted; not locked, deleted. Within one day, my account was banned, and I was subjected to public humiliation since then. While I did threaten a lawsuit, the supposed reasons for it are false (More on this later). By the way, I’m not a Christian anymore, so I guess the joke’s on them.

The Bestiality Rumor

LIE: I am a zoophile.

TRUTH: I am not guilty of zoophilia, and any evidence that was presented on ED was completely fabricated. I don’t know who wrote the document but it is clear from the bad spelling and laughable claims that whoever made this wanted some fun at my expense.

The Suicide Rumor

LIE: I am/was suicidal.

TRUTH: This one was surprising, considering how fast it spread. It started shortly before Anthrocon. After AC, pics of me were popping up saying “He’s still alive guys” and stuff like that. It’s the only rumor about me that ended before I even heard about it. It still pops up every once in a while. Apparently minding my own business is the same thing as being dead according to the internet.

The Murder Rumors

LIE: I have a list of people to kill

TRUTH: While having a list is handy, one of that nature serves me no purpose.

More Murder Rumors

LIE: I attempted to assassinate former president Bill Clinton.

TRUTH: The former president came to my college campus campaigning for Hillary. The details of this rumor involve me getting tackled by the secret service for running across campus with something hidden under my coat. What I was carrying was a megaphone, I was later told the college staff that I was not allowed to have it, I handed it over and it was returned to me after Clinton left.

The "Retarded" Rumor

LIE: I believe in God because I’m schizophrenic.

TRUTH: Religion is not a mental illness, deal with it.

The Brainwashing Rumor

LIE: I was raped/brainwashed by a priest as a kid.

TRUTH: Baptists don’t have priests, they have pastors. And according to the CIA, brainwashing is not possible. I didn’t start practicing Christianity until I was around 10. I stopped practicing at age 22 when I was blackmailed by Insane Kangaroo.

Why did this happen?

Why does everyone say I “hate” gays?

This one I can chock up to being something called a persecution complex. On furaffinity, I have only mentioned homosexuality ONCE and that was because someone asked me about it. Here is what happened (note: this isn’t paraphrased):

Other furry: “I’m just curious, what is your opinion on gay marriage”
Me: “The Bible says it’s a sin, so that’s what I believe”

Since homosexuality is not an issue I really care that much about, I chose never to talk about it that much. It was never an issue with me, but was always an issue with them. So this whole homophobia myth is rooted in furries who couldn’t keep their mouths shut. My “crime” is simply giving an opinion when I was asked.

Why did I threaten to “sue” furaffinity?

One of the biggest mistakes I made was joining furaffinity in the first place. Had I known how intolerant everyone was of Christians, I would have saved myself a world of hurt and humiliation. But other than that, none of what happened was my fault.

“A user may not intentionally harass, slander, or disrupt another user of the site, 
or, through inaction, allow another user to come to be harassed.” 

So we know from this rule, Insane Kangaroo was intentionally violating the FA rules by harassing me, and the administrators Xearun and TSAwolf were also violating the rules by allowing me to be harassed (note that the rules have changed since then). Before I was banned I received about 80 messages a day on FA, on average 78-79 of them were death threats, people blaspheming and attacking Christianity, calling me a NAZI, and even threatening my family. The most shocking part is that some of this hate came from the admins! To my knowledge NOT ONE USER who threatened me was punished. Not surprisingly, Insane Kangaroo was friends with Dragoneer for a while, which means the deck was stacked against me. Luckily, Dragoneer knows better now. My attempt to “sue” FA was simply an empty threat I made out of desperation. In the end it worked, the offending submissions were removed. I could have prevented all of this by staying away from FA, and Dragoneer could have prevented this by simply doing the job he was morally obligated to do.

Why does everyone call me a “catfucker”?

This is basically the furry version of Godwins law, if someone disagrees with you, they must be a zoophile. The term is probably derived from the old anti-furry slur “skunkfucker” from the 1980’s. Skunk was clearly changed cat because my fursona is a cat. If you pay attention to furry behavior, furries extrapolate conclusions based on the most flimsy evidence. All they have is a phony document and a few Photoshop hack jobs found on ED (a site known for making off the wall claims). FAF administrator Chase and popular artist/coder Zaush are other examples of how furries affirm the consequent.

Why does everyone think I’m clinically retarded?

This is another case of affirming the consequent. Their train of thought goes like this: “Belief in God is illogical, you are a creationist, therefore, you are stupid."

If your ban was unfair, why wasn’t it overturned?

Many of my friends on FA saw fit to stand up for me in the one place I can’t. Unfortunately, they did so without my prior permission, and even against my expressed wishes. I don’t mind when someone defends me, but what happened was full on White-Knighting, and that is not something I condone. Trying to defend yourself on the website you’ve been banned from for years is already and uphill battle, but it’s made worse when misguided friends appoint themselves as a defense attorney when they don’t know what their client is accused of.

What about you and Dragoneer?

Things have always been tense between us. Despite that, Dragoneer has put up with multiple appeals to unban me from furaffintiy and let bygones be bygones. Unfortunately, every single one of these ended badly (none of which were Dragoneers fault). Then, at Anthrocon 2011, he came to me in person and said since I was a good boy at FA:United, my account would be unbanned in three months. Nearly two years later (yes I’m that patient), nothing happened. So I enquired to Dragoneer via email why nothing has happened. His response was depressing and petty: “I really didn't see a reason to unban your account since your decision was to insult the offer after we tried to be polite and reach out.” The “insult” he is referring to is a joke I told about inkbunny. This is what I said:

“Well, it’s ok if you decide not to unban me ‘cause Inkbunny has better porn anyway”. 

The obvious joke was that since I think IB is superior (I don’t) I must be a pedophile with an interest in Cub Porn. The joke was so obvious that Dragoneers fiancé (who is now his wife) actually burst out laughing. There is no way he could have misinterpreted what I said, so it’s clear he was just looking for an excuse to keep me off his website. Either way, he and I are on friendly enough terms that he allows me to attend FA:United every year, and since I rather enjoy that convention, I take that as a good gesture.

What about you and Insane Kangaroo?

There’s no way I can say this kindly; IK is a criminal, a bigot, and a bully. He has personally harassed my family, and my college professors, all under the delusion that he was “helping” me. He tried to report me to the police TWICE for bestiality (I suspect he even wrote the fake “confession”) His attempt at a flash mob at Anthrocon resulted in me reporting him to security, one month later, he was banned. Eventually, I finally managed to report him to the FBI for the blackmail I was living under for almost a year, and I was told he lost his job as a result. He is now one of the most hated furries in the fandom. Since Insane Kangaroo cannot compete with the long arm of the law, his harassment of me (which still continues to this day) is reduced to nothing more than lame trolling attempts. It is no exaggeration that all of the suffering I have endured is his fault.


For a long time, I tried to ignore all that happened to me and not dwell on the past. It hasn’t worked. I have this painful desire to get this off my chest because I noticed most people only seem to have one side of the story. I hear people murmuring about me when they think I’m out of earshot, I want to speak for myself instead of having a nameless anonymous collective source seizing my identity and corrupting people's perception of who I am before they ever get a chance to meet me. What made the fandom fun in the first place has been taken from me. It hurts myself and it hurts others by forcing them to judge me without ever meeting me. I leave you with this quote about me from an anonymous furry I never met. This is what an unbiased view looks like, when I think of the Furry Fandom, I think of this:

“All these people keep saying what a terrible person Crusader Cat is. 
Yet I have yet to hear a single person come forward and say there were  mistreated by him. 
Heck, I’ve been at parties where he’s been present. He kept to himself and didn’t bother anyone. 
Socially awkward? Perhaps. Deserving of scorn? Hardly.”