Stanley L. Alston Jr

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Stanley L. Alston, Jr. (born 1961), is a writer who lives in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Fandom involvement[edit]

During the 1990s he helped his younger brother, Scott Alston, publish several small press publications, among which were The Bestiary, Furloose, Pandora, P.I., Space Rovers and The Bestiary's Terrie Smith Does Art Special, under first the Bear and Cat Comix and later the A-Morph Press label. He later published a few publications of his own under his Pferd Press label, including Ancient Furries.

Stanely has written several furry stories that have seen print in such furry publications as Furtherance, AnthropoMORPHINE, Hot to Trot and Ancient Furries.

He is a former member of The Dallas Brawl APA, as well as had participated in the Crusade one-shot zapazine.

He is the co-creator, along with his brother Scott, of Eva McEqqus, a mare who, along with her bunny doe partner, Jessica Thumper, who was created by Scott, is a co-owner of the fictional DoeMare Productions Adult Film studios. She is also a stripper, a fashion model, and wrestles, formerly at the Furry Fight Farm, and presently at the newly formed Western California Alliance Wrestling, under the names, Brunhilda the Fighting Valkyrie and WarMare. He is also the creator of Germania, James McEqqus, Helena Sheepadopolous, Alexander Leoni II (which is also the name he uses for furry conventions), and Atalanta Yalman-Leoni among others.

External links[edit]

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