Duncan da Husky

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Duncan da Husky has been involved in furry fandom since 1997. He started as an active poster to alt.lifestyle.furry and upon moving to Chicago, Illinois became active in Lake Area Furry Friends. His husband was Takaza J. Wolf, from 1999 until his passing on March 26, 2017.[1] He lives in the northern suburbs of Chicago, Illinois.

Duncan is one of the founding board members for Midwest FurFest and has been a part of staff since the beginning of the convention:
2001 - Registration Director
2002 - Registration Director
2003 - Registration Director
2004 - Registration Director
2005 - Registration Director
2006 - Registration Director
2007 - Registration Director
2008 - Convention Chair
2009 - Convention Chair
2010 - Hotel Liaison
2011 - Hotel Liaison
2012 - Hotel Liaison
2013 - Hotel Liaison
2014 - Hotel Liaison
2015 - VIP Services staff
2016 - VIP Services staff
2017 - Hotel Liaison staff
2018 - Vice Chair
2019 - Vice Chair
2020 - Vice Chair
2021 - Vice Chair
2022 - Convention Chair
2023 - Convention Chair
2024 - Convention Chair

Duncan has volunteered in various positions at Mephit Furmeet from 1999-2001, and was the Artists Alley/Con Store Manager at Anthrocon from 2004 until 2010. Duncan has also been on staff at Furry Connection North, Further Confusion, and Fur Squared.


  1. Tweet by Duncan da Husky on Twitter. Dated March 26, 2017. Retrieved July 16, 2017.

External links[edit]

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