Clockwork Creature Studio

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Clockwork Creature logo

Clockwork Creature Studio is an artistic costume and design studio, founded by Qarrezel and based in Towson, Maryland, U.S.A.

The studio was the main guest of honor at Fur the 'More 2013[1] and guest of honor at Eurofurence 23 in 2017[2].


Qarrezel founded Clockwork Creature Studio in 2005 as a catch-all trade name for her various artworks. As her mask-making work gained in popularity, she began using the name primarily as a costumer, and in Winter of 2007 it became an active small costuming business, originally based in Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A. After Qarrezel moved from Savannah to Towson, she found herself in need of help to deal with her burgeoning workload, so she hired her husband LaughingScarab as an assistant. Qarrezel and LaughingScarab now co-own the business.

Artistic direction[edit]

Clockwork Creature Studio specializes in realistic, theatrical and macabre creature costumes. While realism is a major part of the Clockwork Creature style, that realism does not limit them to depicting only real animals, and in fact, realistic fantasy creatures are a favorite specialty of theirs. They also do some work in iconic venetian or spirit-mask styles.


Clockwork Creature Studio uses a great deal of mold-making and casting processes in addition to the usual sewing and gluing. The understructure of their masks is cast resin, as are all moving parts, jawsets, claws and hooves. Their paw pads are usually cast in silicone, but occasionally a hard urethane rubber when extra durability is required. Their feet are built over cast foam slippers. A tutorial for Qarrezel's mask making process can be found on her Deviant Art page, although it is currently incomplete.

Commissions & auctions[edit]

Clockwork Creature Studio opens for commissions seasonally. They have a relatively short turnaround time for the completion of projects, usually about 3 months, and they accept a limited amount of work for each seasonal batch. Occasionally they will produce an independent piece for auction, usually a mask, gloves and tail set. These auctions are generally held through Qarrezel's Deviant Art page, though Clockwork Creature Studio sold three of these sets in the art show at Anthrocon 2009.


In 2011, four of their fursuits were used for the live-action film Bitter Lake, first shown at Eurofurence 17.



  1. "Guest of Honor!" - announcement by Kit Drago on the Fur the 'More website. Dated July 10, 2012. Retrieved October 9, 2013.
  2. "Guests of Honor" - officially announced (& retrieved) on May 17, 2017.

External links[edit]