Oh So Hero!

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1522533001.fullfrontalfrog osh, oh so hero logo, business card, 2018-01-07, 2018-03-31.png

Oh So Hero! is a gay adult furry Metroidvania (or Sextroidvania as its creators have coined it) game in development by Full Frontal Frog, a company owned by Ket-Ralus and Redemption3445.


The first public build of the game (known as the Pre Edition) was released on July 31, 2019, and the second public build (Pre Edition II) was released on November 29, 2020. As of September 30, 2022, the latest Patreon build is v0.18.300.

A yearly community event relating to the game, Daku Day, debuted on July 31, 2021.



The players take the role of Joe, a dragonesque hero who participates in the mysterious alien Gerrabacco tournament being held on his island, fighting off and fornicating with aliens, forest inhabitants, and other types of foes while meeting and building relationships with non-player characters (NPC) he meets along the way.


Joe is able to engage in sex with both enemies and NPCs alike, albeit with different executions. For example, there are typically four different ways to engage with an enemy sexually: pressing the S key while near their knockdown state, pressing the S key while they're under the effects of your teasing (usually masturbating) before their animation finishes, being grabbed by them and being grabbed while in the middle of your 100% lust animation. NPCs, of course, don't require fighting or seducing them and will simply engage in sex with you by pressing the S key near them when they have a pink heart appearing above them.

External links[edit]