Forest of Lust

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Forest of Lust is a forum for Wolf mating roleplay. The rules state that "Non-wolf and non-canine characters are allowed, [as] this is a feral mating site and by allowing a few other species characters can make things interesting."[1] The Forest of Lust's enchantment is simple, yet lovable: no females can get pregnant, and can be in season whenever they choose. Males can be large, but their size must be fathomable, not sixty inches or something insane like that. The areas include Lost Island, Ruins, Silver Shore, and a Field of Flowers. Recently Forest of Lust has come under a new administrator named Rallan, who has revised the Main Rules and updated Forest of Lust's memberlist. A new terrain board, The Graveyard, has also been added. The site is currently seeking new members to join.

As of January 2009, there are 25 posting members and moderators. If you do not post for two full months, you will be emailed regarding your account. If you do not reply to the email, your account will be deleted.

Unfortunately, as of June 5, 2010, has ceased activity on and shut down the Forest of Lust, effectively ending the roleplaying website for good.


  1. Main Rules 2. January 31, 2007 post by Balto Wolf. Retrieved April 14, 2007. Rules edited by Rallan.
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