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NotFurNet, also known as NFN, is a small furry-oriented IRC network targeted towards those who prefer an environment somewhat different from either Anthrochat or Furnet. Priding itself in it's focus on trolling, harassing, and power-abuse towards other furs rather than traditional network management, the NotFurNet network seeks to foster a mature environment for it's denizens to mingle within while also keeping a balance between operator involvement and user autonomy. The network originated from the mutual technological interests of Fae'liin M'taali and Keyla when, after extensive deliberation, it was discovered that neither party completely enjoyed the then-recent climate shifts on the Anthrochat and FurNet networks. Desiring something more inviting and wishing to offer something to the furry community at large, they merged resources and NotFurNet was born as it exists now. The roster of servers has changed over time, but was eventually reduced due to both unstable nodes and the realization that the original infrastructure was more than enough to bear the present size of the userbase.


April 2009

NotFurNet began with Fae'liin M'taali's personal IRC server that had been running since late 2008, which would later become naughtyfoxkitty.notfurnet.com. Around June of 2009, Keyla started an IRCd on his personal server and linked it into the network as whiteforest.notfurnet.com. Early on it was primarily an invite-only network - it was difficult to find without being explicitly invited to it.

July 2009

The network became more open to the public around July of 2009. It was around this time that NotFurNet formed a partnership with FurSpace and frostedbutts.notfurnet.com (hosted on the same server as furspace.com) was linked into the network. Also around this time, wolf.notfurnet.com was brought online.

Early 2010

Due to connectivity issues with naughtyfoxkitty.notfurnet.com, services were moved to wolf.notfurnet.com with the intent of moving back once the connection issues were resolved. However, the move has remained permanent so far as there have been no stability issues with services since.

Summer 2010

In mid-2010, caocao.notfurnet.com was added to the network. However, due to oper issues, the server was delinked a short while after it had been brought online, and should be considered indefinitely offline.

September 2010

In late September of 2010, wolf.notfurnet.com was upgraded from a 12Mbps DSL connection to an 18Mbps connection. Unfortunately due to bad wiring, this caused the network to suffer as many as 15 netsplits daily for approximately a week, as the DSL connection continuously dropped. As of October 2010, however, this issue is resolved.

January 2011

On January 14th, 2011, naughtyfoxkitty.notfurnet.com was reinstated with an upgraded connection (15Mbps) after two months of time offline due to moving and power complications.

February 2011

Due to differing administrative needs, FurSpace and frostedbutts.notfurnet.com has split from the network and is now using their own IRCd. Fae'liin M'taali has also created a new network website, though some of the advanced features are still under development at the time of this writing.

May 10th, 2011

A new server, basementcat.notfurnet.com, was introduced to the network. Basementcat.notfurnet.com is hosted on a VPS owned by Keyla and as of the date of introduction is managed by him.

October 2nd, 2011

The NotFurNet forum, previously only used for staff discussions, was opened to the general population. Though the forum is associated with NotFurNet, it is an independent service from the IRC network.

October 28th, 2011

goocat.notfurnet.com was linked into the network. GooCat is owned and run by Tamber, and is the only non-US server as well as the only server supporting IPv6.

January 2012

foxsky.notfurnet.com was added to the network. Foxsky is owned by Kyriin.

February 14th, 2012

A ticketing system was opened for users to submit questions, comments, problems, and suggestions to the network administrators.

Current Server List

Address Host Owner Staff Location Status
naughtyfoxkitty.notfurnet.com notfurnet.com Fae'liin M'taali Fae'liin M'taali, Ryft Darkpaw Mesa, Arizona, USA Online
wolf.notfurnet.com nilcat.com Keyla MrWolf, Keyla, Novu Ferret Midwestern USA Online
basementcat.notfurnet.com basementcat.net Keyla Keyla California, USA Online
goocat.notfurnet.com furryhelix.co.uk Tamber Tamber UK Online
foxsky.notfurnet.com kyri.in Kyriin Kyriin Pennsylvania, USA Online

Connection Options

  • All servers are listening on the standard IRC port, 6667 - some servers may listen on additional ports as listed in their MOTDs.
  • All servers have SSL/TLS support on port 6697, though the certificates are self-signed and are therefore reported as "invalid" by most IRC clients.
  • Users using IPv6 should automatically be connected to goocat.notfurnet.com if they connect to irc.notfurnet.com.

Network Features

In addition to the standard features of most furry networks such as SSL-encrypted connections, host-cloaking, and "vHost" availability, NotFurNet as implemented many other services for the convenience and utility of it's userbase. Additionally, users of the network are encouraged to give suggestions to the network staff for new features and policies as needs arise.

  • Personalized SWHOIS support (an additional line that can be added to one's /whois to give information, make a witty statement, etc.) for all users, not only members of staff.
  • Support for multiple "true" founders of one channel, as opposed to the limited access provided by the ChanServ "IDENTIFY" function.
  • [WIP] IPv6 Connectivity to all nodes on the network.


Name IRC Nickname Position Server
Fae'liin M'taali Fae`liin_M`taali Cofounder naughtyfoxkitty.notfurnet.com
Ryft Darkpaw Ryft Network Administrator naughtyfoxkitty.notfurnet.com
Keyla Keyla Cofounder wolf.notfurnet.com
MrWolf MrWolf Network Administrator wolf.notfurnet.com
Tamber Tamber Server Administrator goocat.notfurnet.com
Novu Ferret Novu_Ferret Global Operator wolf.notfurnet.com
Kyriin Kyriin Server Administrator foxsky.notfurnet.com

Noteworthy Channels

Channel Founder Description
#Halcyon Fae'liin M'taali Personal channel of Fae'liin M'taali and mirror of the larger Anthrochat incarnation, whose shift is in progress.
#Tail SeroCat Adult-oriented general chat relocated from Fchan.

External Links

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