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Sharks include many species of cartilaginous fishes. They belong to the class Chondrichthyes, which also includes rays and skates. Sharks are among the most feared predators on Earth, frequently referred to as 'mindless killing machines'. They have been featured in movies like Jaws, Deep Blue Sea and Open Water as monsters and villains, and for good reason. It's easy to be terrified of their rows of jagged teeth, silent approach, relentless circling and bloody feeding-frenzies. Shark faces lack expression, and they can't be petted. Brushing up against that sand-paper skin, with its minute dermal denticles, results in a rug-burn.

Few furries adopt the fursona of a shark. Anthropomorphic sharks are hard to imagine, as sharks do not have arms and legs. Their perceived personalities are solitary, not the huggy-skritchy social nature many furs enjoy (although real sharks prefer to live and hunt in slews). Most fursons are instinctively wary of sharks, so even a friendly shark would find it hard to socialize.

Despite that, sharks are appreciated for their positive qualities. They are swift, strong, silent and very well adapted to their lifestyle, remaining unchanged since the time of the dinosaurs. Shamanism attributes the shark with many fine qualities, including remorselessness and shapeshifting. They take the role of protector and savior. Sharks are gods of the sea and guardians of family, with the ability to move constantly, a connection to past knowledge, the ability to defend themselves and to never be caught off guard.

Kamohoali'i was the king shark god of Oahu and the elder brother of Pele. Each island of Hawaii has their own shark god, and many families have personal shark guardians, or aumakuas.

See also

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