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About Me

My name is Bradley Repko, and I am an avid vorarephile. While I occasionally dabble in the furry arts, I'm not a furry enthusiast. I have an Autistic Spectrum Disorder known as Asperger's Syndrome. I joined Eka's Portal in 2005 after being referred there by Succubus Amanda. For a few years I was active and rather well known, making friends and occasionally putting out vorish stories and other miscellaneous items. In late 2007, the administrator and I began having conflicts and I was banned frequently. Between spring 2008 and summer 2009 I was banned for 16 months from the portal, and in early January, 2010, I was permanently banned from Eka's Portal.

I am currently stationed at E-Hentai Adult Japanese Fanworks Community. In addition to having over a dozen galleries there, I am an active and well known member of the forum there. Some might say I'm rather infamous, a large number of members out and out hate me, and I have even received a death threat. Still, I do have my friends there who like me in spite of my argumentative and outspoken nature.

Ishara Expansion Project

With Duamutef gone[1], his glorious world of Ishara has been left behind to his fans and friends. While no one knew how the mechanics of Ishara worked as well as Duamutef, I was a dedicated follower of his work and have read all about his world countless times. As a friend of Duamutef who he personally confided in when he was dealing with his difficult depression, I came to know the great man who many considered to be the God of Vore. We would discuss details of his creation and I would often propose ideas that he would implement. This is why I will soon be launching a project called the Ishara Expansion Project.

Duamutef always wanted fans to create their own stories, and he wasn't strict if the didn't strictly follow the mechanics of his universe. In his absence, I am sure he would want his fans to continue his life's greatest work, expanding it and generating new fans of his glorious universe. That is why I am creating this project, to further expand and grow his work. No one knew the mechanics of his universe the way Duamutef did, which is why the new generation of Ishara will be a separate canon known as the Expanded Universe; while the original will be known as the Traditional Universe. Non-canonical works will still be allowed however, in keeping with Duamutef's traditions.

The Ishara Expansion Project is only in it's brainstorming stages and has not been officially announced yet. I do not intend to be the absolute authority on the new Ishara, as I can't handle the responsibility and no one person has the right to control his intellectual property now that he is gone. I'm looking to form a counsel of long time followers of Duamutef's work to collaborate on this task. My love, Amanda Lillianne, has already backed-up Duamutef's site for it's inevitable closure, and as a long time fan of his work she will likely be a part of this counsel. Throku is also welcome into the elite hierarchies of the council if he wants the position, as he is intimately familiar with Ishara and has contributed to it as much as I have. Until the project is formally announced, it is still in it's early planning stages.

Roleplay Characters

(information coming soon)


  1. "Duamutef is Dead" - The Ishara Message Boards