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Jill0r is a furry artist and member of the Anthrochat IRC channel, Gayfaggotinc.

About Jill

Jill0r's conbadge.

Jill0r (also know as Jill or Jill C.) is a female in her twenties, her interests include robots, photography, writing, and collecting toys and junk. As a kid, she always liked animals and Disney cartoons, which accounts for her stylistic/subject matter choices for most of her work. She also enjoys art nouveau, art deco, sci-fi/fantasy, and bizarre/experimental artwork.

Also a big music fan, her current favorites are The Smashing Pumpkins, Cornelius, Neutral Milk Hotel, the pAperchAse, and Sufjan Stevens.

As of Today

She currently lives in the Boston area, but also stays in Florida at times. Currently a Junior attending AIB, and is majoring in Illustration and Animation.

External links
