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Autumn Vixen poses in her fursuit.

Fursuits are animal costumes associated with the furry fandom. They range from simple tails and ears to full costumes cooled by battery-powered fans. Similar to mascot suits, they allow the wearer to adopt another personality while in costume. Owners (also known as fursuiters) can spend less than one-hundred to many thousands of dollars on one fursuit, depending on complexity and materials used. Frequently these items are sold at conventions, or online by either commission or auction. Many furry fans make their own using online tutorials or advice from newsgroups. Due to the delicate nature of these costumes, many require special handling while washing.

Reasons for Fursuiting

A person who wears a fursuit generally falls into one or more of five categories.

Job or charity work

Many furry fans do fursuiting for a job or to bring attention to an event or charity. This can include mascots, but not all mascots are furries. Many are hired through an agency to represent a character, while others bring their own constructions to an event instead. There are also several volunteer fursuiting groups across North America that either ask or are asked to entertain at various social functions. Some groups even set up their own charitable events or perform on the streets to passersby.

Conventions, parades, exhibitions

Other furries enjoy wearing their suits for parades, exhibitions, or conventions. Oftentimes these are of a personal character who they are expressing as a form of role play. The fursuiter may consider themselves to be expressing who they really are. These fursuiters may also wear their suits to small, informal meetings among furry fans in their area.


Some LARPers create highly elaborate costumes (including fursuits) for their characters. Half suits (arms, legs and a mask or makeup) are usually created for role-playing games, though some use full-body suits. These suits wear elaborate clothes and costumes of their own, depending on the theme of the game.


A portion of the furry fandom exists that considers a fursuit a sexual item. A fraction of the fursuits sold are made for sexual activity.


Some people (usually otherkin or therianthropes) also fursuit for reasons of expressing what they feel is their inner animal self. Most of them try to make their suits as realistic and lifelike as possible.

See also

External links
