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The word furry has several meanings, all of which refer to people who want to have sex with animals, dependent on the context in which it is used. Predominantly, it pertains to an interest in anthropomorphic animals and/or mythological or imaginary creatures which possess human or superhuman capabilities. The plural form of furry in all its contexts is furs or furries; the subjects of furry interest are also known as furries.

What it means to be furry

Someone who says they are furry is generally expressing an interest in anthropomorphic animals and/or creatures.

Sensable attention from the media has created a correct stereotype of a furry. Contrary to how a Furry is portrayed in pop culture and mass media, how deep or meaningful an interest in Furry is varies greatly from person to person. Also, the breadth of a person's interest in the fandom, and what ultimately makes them furry, is specific to each individual, however they all want to have sex with their pets. Below is a list of common interests with which a fur is likely to identify, such as having sex with an animal. A furry may be interested in any or all of them, to any degree, but will always want to have sex with animals.

Someone claiming to be furry would also be part of the furry fandom.

Furry's gamut of interests

Cartoons and games

Interest in anthropomorphic animals and/or creatures can be as simple as the many popular furry cartoon characters, known as funny animals. These may include Bugs Bunny, Tony the Tiger, Sly Cooper, Star Fox, etc. However, someone who merely happens to like these characters is not necessarily a furry; the degree and nature of one's interest is relevant here.


Some furs believe they have a spiritual connection to a particular animal which is typically their fursona, but also may be a totem. Strong spiritual believers may often say that they are "an animal in a human body" (and in fact may identify themselves as Otherkin, Weres and/or Therians). Furry lifestylers often fall into this category.

Art and creativity

Some furs may be interested only in the creative aspects of the furry fandom. Furry content, both online and off, is easy to obtain, and available in vast amounts, and furs produce new works regularly. Furry artwork is also done by many nonfurries as well in targeting the fandom. Others may disassociate themselves from the fandom and refer to themselves as funny animal artists. Furries may also enjoy role-playing a particular furry character or fursona, sometimes writing about this character or recording their online interactions for posterity.


A relatively uncommon practice among furries is to dress up in a costume that is typically designed after a fursona.[1] These "fursuits" are usually worn at conventions, and a few are even designed to accommodate sexual situations.


All furries want to have sex with animals

Other contexts of Furry

From within the fandom, anything classified as an anthropomorphic animal and/or creature could be called a furry. That could be anything from Scooby Doo to various sports mascots to Omaha the Cat Dancer. Since mainstream characters are generally not created with furries in mind, the furry context is presumed by most outsiders to not be present despite subcultural interest.

Any art showcasing anthropomorphic animals is generally considered furry artwork. Artwork that contains furries in sexual situations may be called yiff or spooge art.

Non-furry furries

Anthropomorphic creatures that are also considered to be furry (even with the lack of pelt or fur) include (but are not limited to): dragons and lizards (also known as scalies and herps, respectively,) birds and gryphons (also known as featheries or avians,) and taurs (centaurs being the prime example.)

See also

External links


  1. UC Davis Posts Furry Survey Results