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Wiktionary has the word yiff pretty well-defined. In short, yiff has several meanings, including:

The last is arguably the most common. Entire sites have sprung up around erotic activities, such as Yiffstar, an erotic textual story archive.


There are several stories relating to the origin of the word yiff. One is that the term was coined by Foxen as the character littlefox (lower case) around 1990 as part of the foxish language. [1] Most accounts suggest that the term started off "tame" and became more sexually charged as time wore on. This was at least compounded by several fox characters on Furry MUCK who were spreading a very sexual reputation for the species at about the same time as this came into common usage.

Various sources also mention it could be named after the noise a fox makes while mating. ("It's the sound you get when you rub two foxes together."[citation needed])

See also

External links

  1. http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=yiff

Did you know?

Did you know? The earliest known recorded use of the word is in Sir Thomas Malory's 1485 epic, Le Morte d'Arthur, which was the Middle English equivalent to the modern day conjunction, or noun, "If."

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