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Orlando is a city important to furries in central Florida, and was a significant city for all early Florida Furs. More generally, the greater metropolitan area of Orlando, Florida in Central Florida has been a haven for furry fans since since at least the mid-1990's.[citation needed]

Most of the earlier major Florida Fur activities originated in Orlando; Furloween, Furry Spring Break, and Megaplex were created in Orlando and staffed mostly by locals to the area. The Funday Pawpet Show also originates from the area, as did the Orlando Furry Archives.


In December 2004, a number of furries in the area created a formal Orlando Furs group (OFURS) to help organize and promote furry events in the Orlando area.

A second mailing list, Orlando Area Furs, was created in September 2006.

Not all furries in the area utilized these groups; many of the region's greymuzzles stayed within their own groups of friends, or primarily used the traditional Florida Furs mailing list and LiveJournal instead.[citation needed]

In August 2012, a weekly furmeet called The Orlando Taco Tuesday & Movie Meet! was created.

In 2015 The Orlando Taco Tuesday & Movie Meet transitioned and became the Weekly Oblivion Meet. It was hosted there until Oblivion closed in May of 2018. The group moved to a new location Graffiti Junktion in Thornton Park where it was held until late January of 2020 and placed on hiatus with the outbreak of Covid-19. As of July 7, 2020 the group has resumed weekly operations at Ace Cafe Orlando with a new name, The Orlando Tuesday Meet.

Orlando furs are also active on their Meetup.com group.[1]

Conventions and large events[edit]

Orlando has both of Florida's current (as of January 2020) conventions, Furloween and Megaplex.


  1. Florida Furs Meetup.com page (de facto an Orlando group)

External links[edit]

Florida Flag of Florida.svg