The Mighty Tales of FluffleForce

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The Mighty Tales of FluffleForce
Author(s) GizziGekko
Update schedule Currently in hiatus
Launch date December 22, 2021
Genre Action, Comedy
Censor G button.png

The Mighty Tales of FluffleForce is an animated web series created by 16 year-old artist GizziGekko that first began on December 22, 2021. It is a superhero-themed comedy cartoon directed towards an older children's audience. It talks about stories about two young anthropomorphic animal teens named Bax and Tilly, and their supportive friend Athena, who discover the troubles caused by supervillains and figure out how to save their city from them. The cartoon is usually animated using Scratch, whereas its intro was animated using Flipaclip.


All of the episodes have almost a repetitive plot, starting from Bax and Tilly having fun.

On the next day, a problem occurs thanks to the antagonist. Bax and Tilly start observing this, then prepare transforming into their superhero identities.


The Main Characters

  • Bax (aka Blue Spark) - a blue rabbit who has a superhero identity like his friend Tilly. His ability is to run really quickly and wears a black and blue suit. He tends to act impatient at times, like being unable to wait or act irritable infront of others.
  • Tilly (aka Wing-Z) - a purple giant golden-crowned flying fox. She can fly, see things properly and wears a purple and yellow suit. She is said to live in a "country where strange food exists".
  • Athena - a intelligent blue skunk. She wears a blue formal school uniform and eyeglasses on top of her head. She has an interest in reading books and doing calculus. Her shelter is a giant tree which contains a library inside. It is unknown how she met up with Bax and Tilly to be her close friends.


  • Ralph (aka Rulley Sulley) - an 8-year old ferret who owns a giant mecha suit. He wears an orange jumpsuit with a red cloak. He only cares about winning and plays games for his own. Despite being a villain, he seems to be kind-hearted to his mother.
  • Venetia (aka Flare Skull) - a badger who teams up with a band called "The Ground Diggers", along with Pokey and Rollz. Her villain form wears a maroon robe and a black ninja mask. She secretly identifies as a ninja and thief, who has magical fire powers. She owns a cave where stolen things are being kept in.
  • Spookles - an undying wolf. He wears purple fancy clothing with Halloween-themed features. His interest is scaring other critters during the night time.
  • McSlap - an opossum. He wears a blue and white ice cream parlor outfit and green goggles. He seems to only care about money and wants people to only eat in his bakery. His interest is taking one special ingredient to create a perfect recipe.

Supportive Characters

  • Aerwyna - a teal skunk who is Athena's twin sister.
  • Talijah - a holistic brown cat who seems to resemble a hippie. She can be concerned of people's health.
  • Velocity - a bilby of Australian descent. She goes out in a silver tracksuit (blue skiing outfit in Sattar's Stolen Skis), and barely hangs out nor talks with anyone due to her gymnastic activities.
  • DJ Spintail - a purple gerbil who works as a disc jockey. She also has a very long tail, which can let her move around by bouncing like a spring.
  • Pokey - a red porcupine who goes with Venetia, along with Rollz.
  • Rollz - an armadillo who also goes by Venetia's side.
  • Melody - a pink sable antelope.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

# Episode title Release date Description
1 Funfair Ferreting December 22, 2021 Rulley Sulley causes the carnival to close by stealing booths for himself, especially Mr. Bleathorn's VR headset rides.
2 Sattar's Stolen Skis February 2, 2022 A fellow markhor's skis have been stolen by Flare Skull during the Christmas day.
3 Gummies Galore July 2, 2022 Talijah warns Bax, Tilly and Athena about the dangers of digesting gummy candy while McSlap opens a big sale of said product.
4 Priceless Pumpkin Party October 29, 2022 Sir Spookles decides to scare people off during Halloween while Athena hosts a cheap party with her friends.


Made from a shower thought (as revealed in the channel's 2nd anniversary video), the original idea was created way back in July 23, 2020, wherein the two main characters were formerly two furred alien siblings named Zippy and Puffy. The characters were rather supernatural creatures than animals, and the earlier concepts had Athena supposedly being a villain.

On the beginning of 2021, the concept had to be revamped and changed several times due to it being unoriginal.

Throughout the creator's struggles in online class and gaining depression from the dramatic events of a certain fandom, Mighty Tales was kept as a scrapped series until mid to late 2021, where GizziGekko joined the Unofficial Milky Way server. This has lead her to be inspired by the works done in Scratch and endeavor doing the same thing Corey did.

In late December 2022, the creator has revealed that she has a plan for a new episode, and there will be episodes that will not follow the same plot structure afterwards. However, due to the Gekko's unmotivation, it was decided to keep the series on a hiatus on 2023.


  • Unlike PJ Masks, which the show is also inspired by, TMTFF does not have any morals intended, and rather focuses on the conflict that the heroes and villains are involved in.
    • Blue Spark is similar to Catboy, and Wing-Z is similar to Owlette.
  • All of the episode names have alliterations.
  • The whole series, technically in its finalized version, is inspired by hoppingicon's fan series of Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls.