Spark Wolf

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Spark Wolf (born December 25, 1991)[1] is a fursuiter and dancer who lives in Breda, North Brabant, in the Netherlands.[1] He is a student at the Avans University of Applied Science, where he takes "Communication & Multimedia Design".

Spark's fursona is a black and red wolf with white chest-fur.


  • Sparky: Depicts his fursona that was constructed by Sways and debuted at a Breda FurWalk event on October 3, 2010. His second Sparky head was constructed by Furgenstudios/Rarakie and debuted at the Elf Fantasy Fair in Haarzuilens, Netherlands on April 15, 2011. His new feetpaws with heelys were constructed by Rougfox and debuted at a Breda FurWalk event on December 10, 2011.
  • Ashi: A black, white, and brown dog that was built by Sewing Critters and first appeared at EF 18.[2]
  • Volter: A partial arctic fox fursuit that was constructed by NeonFurStudios/Hanouk, Jillcostumes, and BlueWolfCheetah. NeonFurStudios made the head, while Jillcostumes made the feetpaws and BlueWolfCheetah made the handpaws. The person who constructed the tail is unknown. The suit debuted at Cologne Furdance 11 on June 29th, 2013.[3]

Sparky can be found on Second Life as SparkWolf Runner.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Spark Wolf's profile on the Fursuit Database. Retrieved October 11, 2010
  2. Ashi on the Fursuit Database. Retrieved January 8, 2013
  3. Volter on the Fursuit Database. Retrieved November 5, 2013

External links[edit]

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Furry Dance Community
Dance Crews
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Notable Dancers
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