
From WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia.
Revision as of 01:29, 3 January 2015 by WulfyWulfyWulf (Talk | contribs)

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Hello, there! I'm Wulfy. I'm a writer, poet, linguist, and student, and spend the majority of my time here editing flow, spelling, and grammar, as well as adding references to articles that lack them. If you have a question, a comment, or a concern you'd like me to address, you can skip the impeding information about who I am, what I do, and what I like, and pop directly on over to my talk page, and leave it there. Otherwise, you can continue reading if you'd like to.

Please click here to leave me a new message.
Rc-patrol.png This user patrols the
recent changes.
FurAffinityFenderBadge.jpg This user has an account at Fur Affinity. Their username is wulfywulfywulf.

DeviantARTlogo.png This user has an account at deviantART. Their username is wulfywulfywulf.

#IRC This user can usually be found on the #WikiFur IRC channel, and goes by the nick(s) WulfyWulfyWulf
Facebooklogo.png This user has an account at Facebook.

Hi! This user is a welcomer to all the new folks on WikiFur!

About me[edit]

My main fursona is a genderless wulf- that is, a demonic wolf. I have white fur, purple eyes, and big, bat-like wings. I'm fun-loving, affectionate, and friendly. I enjoy nights out, romance, and time to thinkk. In my free time, I like to write, travel, and spend time with friends, just relaxing. I like to unwind after a long day with cuddles, wine, and games.

Aside from writing, I play a lot of Minecraft, a lot of the Spyro the Dragon series, and a healthy dose of assorted Pokemon games, especially Pokemon: Ruby, Pokemon: Black 2, and Pokemon: Y. I don't much enjoy reading, ironically, but when I do, it tends to be classics, instead of simple, just-for-fun reading.

I roleplay quite a fair bit, and never turn down an offer, though tend to be a Grammar Nazi, and very picky about who I play with on grounds of their language competence.

Around the site, I tend to mainly coast about random pages, editing for flow and grammar purposes, then silently slipping out, like some sort of demented lexical wraith. If you ever have a question about what I do, how I do it, or why, never hesitate to ask- I love answering questions.

What I do aroun WikiFur[edit]

You may see me in the recent changes here-or-there, editing flow, grammar, spelling, and other linguistic properties of articles. Yes, if you haven't noticed yet, I'm an utter whore when it comes to Infoboxes, and, despite WikiFur's hesitant policies surrounding their use and creation, I firmly uphold that they're useful, necessary, and even aesthetically pleasing if made and implemented correctly. Thus, when I see an article lacks one that could easily further organise it, I tend to add it; equally, if an Infobox template doesn't yet exist on WikiFur and I feel it should, I'll create it, whether others use it or now (c.f. my projects below). I also occasionally add images, beef up profiles of websites and certain denizens of the furry fandom, and even create a page here-and-there.

Current Projects[edit]

Where to Find Me[edit]

My deviantArt: [1]

Reference Images[edit]