Tani Person

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Tani Person (also known as Tantara LaVon Person; born on June 1, 1983 in Watts, Los Angeles, California) is an female illustrator, comic artist, crafter, writer and an advocate for the rights of amateur artists.

Tani has lived in several parts of the U.S.A including San Diego, CA, Washington, DC, Silver Spring, MD and Chicago, IL. Tani currently resides in the neighborhood of Candler Park, located in Atlanta, GA where Tani also attends Georgia State University.

Nearly half of Tani's work features anthropomorphic characters and she presents a large variety in her character designs.


In the furry fandom Tani's fursona is a sheep girl named Carol who is drawn as a brown sheep girl with horns and a red bandana often wearing a matching plaid shirt. Tani has also been known to draw herself as a cat or as her character Gwen who is the main character of Tani's debut comic titled Bun Bun Café which she has scheduled for release sometime in 2009 and has been in the works for many seasons. The title has been repeatedly delayed due to school conflicts.

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