Crusader Cat

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Crusader Cat's depiction of himself
Crusader Cat (brown house cat) is an amateur artist, writer (mostly Science Fiction), aspiring actor, and plays the bagpipes. He is a Christian fur known for his fundamentalism, and love of Garfield.

Discovery of the fandom

Crusader Cat first heard of furry fandom when he was 17, through yiff art. This caused him to become fiercely anti-furry for a couple of years, but after later discovering and contacting Christians furies he became tolerant of the fandom. Later he decided to become a furry to help overcome his yiff problem in March 2008 and attended the Anthrocon in that year, he is currently having a fursuit made by Lacy.

His fundamentalism

Being a very zealous Independent Baptist, Crusader Cat will only read the King James Version of the Bible. Unlike most Christians, he despises C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia and opposes Christian Rock. He makes anthropomorphic cartoons, tracts, and Science Fiction stories with Biblical themes. He brought some of these tracts with him to the Anthrocon.
One of Crusader Cat's tracts

Relationship with other Christian Furries

Due to a mild case of Aspergers Syndrome, Crusader Cat has trouble forging new relationships and maintaining existing ones. He was denied membership as St. Freds for his views on Christian Rock (but is still allowed in the chat room and forums) and was temporarily banned from Furrs Fur Christ for posting angry comments related to Narnia and was considered a security threat. He has since been brought back to Furrs Fur Christ after meeting some of the administrators at the Anthrocon. He finds it extremely difficult to have a conversation with anyone and has trouble being outgoing in social occasions. He usually stays away from others and keeps quiet.


Although he has changed his views on furry fandom, Crusader Cat is still hostilely opposed to yiff. Before he discovered the fandom, he has struggled with foot fetish and bestiality. When he discovered furotica, his foot fetish evolved into a paw fetish. Crusader considers all furotica a form of bestiality pornography and is uses his own testomony to actively encourage others to abstain from yiff. He has it in written form on Fur Affinity and in video form on YouTube.
"Thou shalt not yiff" This picture shows Crusader Cats vicious opposition to yiff

External links