Further Confusion 2008

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Further Confusion (edit)
Further Confusion 1999
Further Confusion 2000
Further Confusion 2001
Further Confusion 2002
Further Confusion 2003
Further Confusion 2004
Further Confusion 2005
Further Confusion 2006
Further Confusion 2007
Further Confusion 2008
Further Confusion 2009
Further Confusion 2010
Further Confusion 2011
Further Confusion 2012
Further Confusion 2013
Further Confusion 2014
Further Confusion 2015
Further Confusion 2016
Further Confusion 2017
Further Confusion 2018
Further Confusion 2019
Further Confusion 2020
Further Confusion 2021
Further Confusion 2022
Further Confusion 2023
Further Confusion 2024
Further Confusion 2025

Further Confusion staff
Further Confusion guests of honor

Further Confusion 2008 (also known as FCX) was a furry convention that celebrated the tenth anniversary of Further Confusion from January 24 to 28 at the DoubleTree Hotel in San Jose, California.

Anthropomorphic Arts and Education director David Cooksey said that the board is aware that the con is outgrowing the DoubleTree and is looking at all the possibilities for the future.[5]

Executive staff

In keeping with the tradition that the chairman of the con is replaced every year, Anthropomorphic Arts and Education opened bids for 2008 with application deadlines in December 2006.[6] Bos'n C Otter was selected as the 2008 chair and in turn made an open call for a theming executive.[7] The vice-chair was Melchar.[8]

Second Life

This year, Further Confusion maintained a presence in Second Life with the Further Confusion ClubHouse (teleport) in Critter Valley. As appropriate for the event's theme, the ClubHouse featured a Japanese garden and a large pagoda, with ten stepping stones illustrating the convention's ten different yearly logos. Free virtual t-shirts from 2005 to 2008 were available inside.


  • The votes for Furry Night Live were collected in the same boxes used for the "Dick in a box" sketch.


A data-entry error led to double-counting of donations and inconsistent asset figures on this year's form. See the following year's source for confirmation of these figures.

Anthropomorphic Arts and Education, Inc. started the year with $158712 in assets, including $90752 in cash (and temporary cash investments). They ended the year with $162442 in assets, including $103937 in cash. Liabilities were zero, making their gain/loss for the year $3730 ($13185 in cash), and their net balance $162442.

Their total revenue was $158494, of which $111810 was from memberships, $48127 was from donations and $-1443 was from merchandise, after accounting for the cost of goods sold.

Their expenses came to $135664, of which $0 was for occupancy, $11322 for equipment rental and maintenance, $14153 for catering and $10336 for printing.

Source: Anthropomorphic Arts and Education, Inc. Form 990 (description) from Foundation Center
Note: These financials provide just a brief overview, and should be considered in context. Each convention has its own situation, which may change from year to year. Special events (like art shows) that are part of a charity's mission are usually run at a loss. Conventions typically have many other expenses which may come to far more than those listed. Check the source for further details.


  1. Notes and Numbers from FC2007 on FurCon's LiveJournal community
  2. Further Confusion 2008 - Guests
  3. Past Further Confusions - the initial figure of 2,311 excluded dealers and marketplace attendees
  4. The official parade figure was disputed, with some sources reporting lower figures. There is photographic evidence for at least 371 fursuiters at one point along the parade route.
  5. Different LARGER hotel on Further Confusion's forums
  6. AAE, Inc solicits bids for Further Confusion 2008 on FurCon's LiveJournal community
  7. I am looking for just the right person. on FurCon's LiveJournal community
  8. AAE Inc. - Who Are We?

External links